Friday, October 7, 2011

Starting a New Dance

The storms will still come. But I am free to love again. To be loved for me! No faking! No falsehoods! Just me!  I dare to dream to LOVE!

Some sweet dear sisters in the Lord gave me wonderful advice.
"I am so thankful you have gotten away.
My first thought was you were like a brought slave girl I once read a story about. She was brought as a young girl by an older man to keep him happy,clean/ cook and bare his children all the while being cut off from her family and friends. She was punished if she didn't do as told.

No one should ever live like this in fear and not know the true meaning of love.

Your mate should show you love everyday and lift up your spirits making everyday a happy day. I am so sorry you had to go through what you did!

I pray that someday when you are ready that you find someone who will show you how wonderful being in love is.
Everyday is to be cherished and you are to be cherished and shown what an amazing lady you are!
One day when your children grow up they if they haven't already will tell you how amazing you are and how thankful they are that you were strong enough to get them into a home filled with love and hope for the future.

I am very proud of you for taking that step out the door and into your own future.
I can't imagine living like that and I am so happy you are not anymore!"
"I want you to know that what your husband (soon to be ex) did to you, was not godly in any way, shape, or form. As a matter of fact, I'm positive his actions made our Lord weep over you and your children. bless Our husbands are to love us as Christ loved the church, and He laid down His own life for the church.

As much as what your husband (soon to be ex) did to you, you my friend, continued to be a Godly example to us.  You never came here and bashed your husband, though you certainly could have. You always remained faithful, even though he didn't.

You deserve to be loved. Loved for who you are, no matter what. I know that you know that love in Jesus, and I truly hope that some day you will find that love here on earth"

" Everyone deserves second and third chances, but you gave so many! The children are your reward for persevering and are a great blessing now. I'm so glad that you and them are safe and can now relax, laugh, heal, and enjoy life!"
Thank you sweet sisters for your advice!

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